Sunday, December 30, 2012
Entry 8
This is the part where I tell you that this never really happened and I was really totally wacked out on mead the whole time, wandering around Dorming naked and bellowing at people that the wights were coming. Well, if I did that, I would be lying. As the wights climbed through windows and doors, smashing the furniture to bits and getting snow everywhere, I had a brain explosion, which is a brain blast and fart at the same time. I ran to the fire, thinking that if I threw burning logs around I could melt them, but I forget that fire also hurts me. I thrust my hand into the flames and grabbed a piece, realized that my hand was burning and that my sleeve was on fire, and bellowed in pain. I whipped around (with the wood still in my hand) and took of a wight head. I let go of the log and sent it spinning across the room, where it made contact with the drapes and lit them on fire. "Well, dritt," I thought. (that's Norwegian for a naughty word, which it rhymes with). The guys were shooting at the wights, but the bullets simply went through them and did nothing. I drew my axe from its sheath across my back and yelled, "Gamla lombungr, sugandi toti tik madr!" (a curse in Old Norse). This was not as useless as the bullets, but you had to take the heads off to actually kill them. An overhead slam would just cut them in half, and both halves remained alive and annoying. Jorgen and Aksel took the hint and drew machetes. Birgir was already swinging his gun around knocking heads off, but Albin was cursing as he backed away from the flaming wall. He grabbed a burning chair leg and used it as a... well... burning chair leg. He swung it at the wights, melting them on each pass and causing them to hiss and jump back. Unfortunately for them, back was the inferno that used to be the wall of the cabin, and they fell into the pit of flame screaming and sizzling. The other wights began to back away from the hellpit, into the actual fire that was the fireplace. Caught between a rock and a hard place, they went sideways, but we were there. My axe flashed and Aksel's machete swung, Albin's stick flamed and Jorgen's knife gleamed. Birgir's gun didn't really do anything, he was just standing there swinging his gun around.The wights were forced into all four points of death, burning and then getting decapitated. Until the Big One came. This wight must've been as big as two Jorgen's and a Ragar. It knocked the fireplace over and put it out, doing the same for the wall inferno. Aksel was caught up in the shockwave and went flying. A wight came out of nowhere and grabbed him, pulled him screaming out the door, his gun shooting randomly into the crisp, freezing air. Birgir yelled and ran for the Jeep, pulling Albin's arm and grabbing a hatchet from beside the doorway. I swung my axe around once more and I tapped Jorgen on the shoulder. "Come on man! We gotta get outta here!" He nodded and sprinted for the door. I flicked my wrist and another wights head came tumbling to the ground. Aksel's screams stopped. We all piled into the Jeep and Albin stepped on it, kicking up snow and dirt as the Big One made it's deep, primal scream into the cold air.
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